Saturday, December 17, 2005

Cycling with the Girls

I went cycling with the girls last Wednesday at East Coast Park. I did mention a bit about my accident in the last entry, so I'm not going to talk more about it. This is solely a cam whore entry with nice big head pictures of eight girls who tried to take a group photo of ourselves since everyone else at Bedok Jetty seemed to be busy with their fishes.

The end product? Pictures looking a lot similar to the old school neoprints where everybody tried to squeeze their heads in into the frame and everyone looks just damn squashed up.

In clockwise starting from the top left hand corner, Zihui, Jasmine, Hamidah, Yingling, Rozie, Shuhui, Joan, Eunice.
Joan took the photo.

The same people in the same order.
The white in the background is the clear sky, clear with white clouds. The wind was great, making our hair look nice~

Zihui, Eunice, Hamidah, Rozie, Yingling, Shuhui, Joan, Jasmine.

Jasmine, Eunice, Hamidah, Shuhui, Yingling, Zihui, Rozie, Joan, this time it was Zihui at helm with the camera.
The clear blue in the background was the sky.

Same girls.

I know we all look ugly in the photos, trust me, we are all really beautiful in real life, just that the cramping up doesn't do justice to us. hehehe~

Before I went to meet the girls I was actually contemplating on not going. I've been going through a pretty rough time and now really screwed up on my sleeping times, but I must say that I didn't regret this trip. Hanging out with the girls are always of so much fun.

Zihui, the brutally frank girl whom I can always rely on to provide us with humour and laughter with her candid remarks. She's also well inclined in sports so we can count on her to be there when we need help. When we rented bikes, the bike shop assistant also commented that she has the "dan" (receipt) face which cracked us all up.

Shuhui, Jasmine, the two girls who make the best shopping buddies. Can go shop for anything pretty with them, be it cosmetics or skin care, or fashion or well being, you can count on them giving you the right tips with fun and laughter. Me will check out Skinfoods sometime soon ba~ hahaha~

Yingling, Rozie, Eunice, the "elderlies", not elder in terms of age, but in terms of maturity. hahaha~ Yingling, the "mummy" of us, and Eunice and Rozie the big sisters who always frown upon me when me being mischievous, and always crack us up with their pseudo stern faces.

Hamidah, I think I only got to know her more and better after leaving TJ. She's the diva, the high-flying career woman yet traditional in her beliefs. Amazing~ And snagging that internship with that petroleum company, wahaha~ that's like way cool sia~

Jiadai wasn't there. Haven't seen her for a very long time. I wonder if she can make it for our next outing.

Coming up next for our next outing, High Tea~ To practise us to be future tai-tais. I can't wait to dress up and go sipping tea with the girls, think I'll be a cam whore again, but this time will make sure to get someone else to help us with the photography so that we don't need to be so pathetic anymore.

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