i've just finished making notes for totalitarianism... it's amazing how a sole person like stalin can hold up his whole nation on his two bare arms... hitler has his right hand men ard him, like himmler, goebbels, ya, but stalin, absolutely amazing... well, mussolini's a weakling compared to stalin...
some people are attracted to power, like soong mei-ling... i'm not saying it's good or bad, can't speak evil of the dead anyway, but it is said that power is aphrodisiac, or the chinese emperors wouldn't have like 5000 concubines...
but then, stalin has i think two wives only (i'm not very sure if there's the first one, actually), one died young, he remarried the other who committed suicide because he purged the university she taught in. after her, he never fell in love again, or maybe that's because he was too busy, or maybe he became a workaholic to numb himself of the loss of his wife...
hitler had one childhood sweetheart who committed suicide with him the night they got married after Germany was on the verge of losing in wwii... are those women attracted to the totalitarians because of their power, i serious doubt it...
i don't know much about mussolini, except that he was indeed a women's man, so maybe the italians are a bit more different?
okay, i'll be continuing with my econs now... through trial and error, i think that the best time my brain works is from 10 through 6, with short breaks in between like what i'm doing now, then i'll rest from 6 to 12, or maybe 1, then i'll slack, read the papers, go for tuition... aftns are so sian... studying's worse...
exams' the nadir...