Sunday, August 15, 2004

blog hopping

Recently, I’ve been doing quite a bit of blog browsing in my free time. I would blog hop via links on my friends blogs, even visiting blogs of people I dont know and I wld browse through the recently updated blogs on the link on blogger main.

What different people put up on their blogs tell a lot about them. Some blogs have no links of other blogs in them and the blogowner conceals his identity, these blogs mostly contain vented up, frustrations. Some blogs are brightly coloured, with avant-garde designs and a whole long list of links of friends, these blogowners usually pen happy thoughts or some mundane everyday happenings. But of course, Im stereotyping...

Ive realised that there are lots of Singaporean bloggers out there, or rather, its an unusually high ratio of population to bloggers. But sad to say, Im generalising again, that most of those Singaporean bloggers I came acrossed are young Secondary school girls who are so madly in love with 5566. I was browsing through the blogs the day after their performance here and came across no less than 10 blog entries of descriptions of handsome 5566 all attached with feelings of euphoria and those who didnt go that close to the stage, feelings of envy and some jealousy. I mean, dont these girls have a life?! Then again, what am I preaching when me myself dont have a life to speak of when I can sit in front of the computer for hours reading abt other people pathetic life?!

I also came across a friend’s blog who had an entry of a story titled Castle in the Clouds. Look on top of this window and spot the similarity. I dont like his story, mainly because its sad and pessimistic. As most friends wld know, Im a pessimist trying to act like an optimist, hence Id want not to like pessimistic ideas. Anyway, back to Castle in the Clouds, where did I get this title? Les Miserables. Why did I choose this as my title? Look through my archives, I think Id mentioned before, or look through my archives there is a certain trend of my entries.

Another interesting blog I came across is one of a New Zealander living in Taiwan and married a Taiwanese there. He talks mainly about socio-political issues in Taiwan and relates it to other parts of the world. I like his writings and some of his ideas although I oppose him on one big major issue of Taiwanese independence, but its only that. The blogging world is big, for other no-life people who like reading blogs, one advise would be not to continue reading blogs by sex-starved teenage girls and just browse through the big big world of blogs and experience another kind of culture.

I like my blog. I like my Stupidity Symptoms. I like my movie reviews. I like building castles in the clouds. Please let me save the complete image of the castles in my memories.

*sudden wave of sadness floods me* am I trying too hard to be an optimist when all I can be is only a pessimist?

*another wave of uncertainty breezes by me* will I have to suffer a same sad ending as the story I read off my friend’s blog?

*with an unnatural pang of resolute* blog-hopping is detrimental to one’s emotional being. Getting upset over someone else’s feeling is pathetic. Getting angry over someone else’s different opinions is pathetic. Getting worked up realising that Singapore’s teenaged girls are shallow is pathetic. In short, Im just pathetic.

*slumps back on my rickety computer chair*

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