Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Back from Berlin

I'm so bloody tired.

I didn't manage to get much sleep on the train because of this big fear of missing the train station and screwing myself up. I'm going to head for a short nap now before I get up to get some work done. sian~

Berlin brought back depression into me. First, it's so amazing how a country ravaged by losing two world wars can now manage to achieve so high standards of living that even America and UK pale in comparison. Of course, I say this because I've never been to Japan, and Japan's only ravaged by one world war, and much of the destruction were limited to a couple of aerial bombs and not literally the army marching into the city and ravage it and it's people. depressing...

Not only that, it's also the being all alone in the big city that make me realise, I've been really trying to hard to build this wall around my heart and make me appear strong when I'm in fact, but a weakling.

A friend wrote this in her blog...





每次都欺骗自己,告诉自己一切都还是很完美的。 告诉自己一切都还是顺顺利利的,我们彼此还是深爱对方,只要是那样就已经足够了。







P/S: 本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合.

I replied this...



But of course, I'm not being true to myself. I said to myself that I shall never love again, so why am I feeling this pang of pain and go through the whole process of mindfucking and get mindfucked all over again? Perhaps my friend's has got it right, "那晚,他对我说不想再隐瞒我了,说他找到了一段新恋情。/ 我知道这一天一定会到的,但没想到竟然会那么快。之前的我最害怕听到的就是这个,最不想面对的,也是这个。为什么要让我知道呢?让我继续欺骗自己吧。"


我以前认为只要耐心的等,总有一天会等到。但你却让我明白有些东西不管我等多久,我还是得不到,或者应该说,我还是不可能得到。但又有人给我希望,跟我说如果我耐心的等,我会等到我要的东西。现在,我已不清楚我要什么东西,但充满着爱恨情仇的我只知道我就是不要你比我幸福。Conan as Shinichi once said to Ran that she needn't worry about what others think, as long as she's being true to her own feelings, then after that he scoffed at the irony, that it's actually him not being true to his own feelings. I think I'm feeling vengeful...

I went off topic again. And I wanted to say something else, about someone else, about something I received, from someone whom I care about and cares for me. Life just is this bad, that you can't see the good things and only can see the bad. I think lack of sleep and the deary weather is wearing me down. Even pms isn't that bad... I hate the rain and the cold. And I hate you.

I'm so totally emotionally fucked up now. bah~

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