Friday, December 17, 2004

A Conversation

A Conversation

Joan: Why aren't you asleep yet?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I think I'm waiting.
Joan: For what you are waiting for?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I think I'm waiting for Godot.

Joan: Why are you waiting for Godot?
Joan: Why don't you just let Godot come to you?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I hadn't really wanted to wait for Godot.
Ping: I mean, don't everyone wants Godot to look for them instead?
Joan: Ya, so why are you still here waiting?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: Perhaps it's because Godot didn't come and look for me that I'm here waiting.
Joan: Why don't you go look for Godot instead?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I don't want to ba...

Joan: How long will you stay here waiting?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: Perhaps until I can't take it anymore.
Joan: What will you do then?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: Sleep over it?
Joan: And not attempt to look for Godot?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I mean, what use would it be if I managed to contact Godot but receive no reply in return?
Ping: Wouldn't that be very embarrassing?
Joan: Why would it be embarrassing?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: But it's like admitting a vulnerability.
Joan: Ya, I guess so.
Joan: But sometimes you can advance via retreating.

Joan: You should take control of your own life.
Joan: You should do what you want.
Joan: You should not leave your fate to Godot.
Ping: I don't know.
Joan: Yes, you know.
Joan: You shouldn't let one Godot ruin your life.
Joan: Go girl, go get a life.
Joan: Either you quit waiting for Godot or you just heck forget about Godot.
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: At this moment, I really had wanted Godot to come look for me.
Ping: But Godot did not appear.
Joan: So why don't you go look Godot up?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I don't dare to.
Ping: I think it might be better for me to forget about Godot.

Joan: You really want to quit waiting for Godot?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: It sure beats stoning here waiting for nothing.
Joan: What if Godot comes after you leave and can't find you?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: That's fate ba...

Joan: I wonder what's Godot doing now...
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: And don't want to know.
Joan: Why?
Joan: Aren't you curious?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I'm afraid of finding out things I don't want to find out.
Joan: Isn't that a bit like the ostrich?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: Maybe a little.
Joan: So that means you really want to be an ostrich?
Ping: I don't know.

Joan: Really, my girl, what do you think dear Godot is thinking of right now?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: Maybe Godot's thinking of how to get rid of my incessant disturbances?
Ping: Or maybe Godot's thinking of someone else?
Ping: Or maybe Godot just isn't thinking of anything in particular?
Ping: Maybe I'm just too sensitive.

Joan: If Godot is feeling happy now, I want you to feel two thousand times happier.
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: Although I do want to feel so, I don't think I can make it.
Joan: I really want you to feel two thousand times happier than Godot.
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: Why two thousand, by the way?
Joan: It's a quote.
Joan: And this too...
Joan: One thousand is too little.
Joan: Of course, if you can feel more than two thousand times happier than Godot it would be better, won't it?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: To me, it doesn't really matter how I feel.
Ping: I will always feel better as long as Godot is not upset.

Joan: And Godot is letting you wait?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I don't think it's Godot's fault.
Ping: I mean, it was I who wanted to wait.
Joan: Why do you want to wait?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: It's something that my head can't work out.
Ping: I guess you would have to ask my heart.
Joan: Heart, why?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: My body isn't listening to the orders passed down from my brain.
Joan: I understand.
Joan: This happens.

Joan: What will you say to Godot when your wait is over?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I probably won't say much.
Ping: Don't really want Godot to know that I was waiting.
Joan: What a poor little thing you are.

Joan: What if Godot never arrives?
Joan: Will you go on waiting just like this?
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I don't know.

Joan: You will just ruin your life like that!
Joan: There's more to life than Godot.
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: I just know that right now, at this very moment, presently, what I want most is Godot.
Joan: What a fucker?!
Ping: I don't know.
Joan: Well, you should!
Joan: Really, why am I wasting so much time listening to your whinings?!
Ping: I don't know.
Joan: Quit it!
Joan: Stop acting blur!
Joan: You think you can get anything you want by acting blur or acting cute?!
Joan: Let me tell you once and for all, Godot will never come!
Joan: You can go on waiting and waiting and waiting.
Ping: I don't know.
Ping: How did you know?
Joan: I read it.

Joan: I think you are really fucked up.
Ping: I know.
Joan: Surprised you knew that too.
Ping: I know.
Ping: What other fucked up being can do two opposite things at one time?
Ping: To wait and not waiting for Godot at the same time.
Joan: Ya, I know.
Joan: Go girl, go have a rest.
Joan: You need it.
Joan: Perhaps Godot is just by the lamp beside the window.
Ping: That's another quote, is it?
Joan: Ya...


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