Tuesday, December 21, 2004



Why do I need a disclaimer? Especially at this point in time?
I've been horribly misunderstood!

First things first.
This piece though was titled A Conversation is nothing more than a MONOLOGUE.
Yes, Joan and Ping are technically the SAME PERSON.

Another important matter.
This is absolutely fictional!
It is a figment of Joan's over-reactive imagination.
I only named my characters Joan and Ping because I wanted people to see that technically they are the same person, but some people really thought that I was talking to myself. Really, I would have named my characters Alan and Sheng if you guys all know who's Alan Lim Li Sheng. Okay, actually, I've no idea who's he either. haha...

So why did Joan write that piece?

Because she always wanted to write a monologue.
She always wanted to write a mind-fiddling monologue.
So this very day when she had the time and feel, after watching some pretty mind-fiddling shows by dear charlie kaufman, she decided to pick up her pen, okay, laptop, and start writing away.

Maybe I should also add on and answer a few faqs.

Who is Godot?
No one in particular. In fact, I'm even doubting if he's human. He's more of an object that's personified ba...

What is Godot?
I dont know. Maybe someone should ask Samuel Beckett. I used the term Godot with his reference cos technically they are both the same abstract and also so that I could fit in my quotes.

What happened to you?
Nothing happened to me!
As mentioned before, this is PURELY FICTIONAL! Yes.

Okay, do read it not for it's face value, try to think of what you want at this very moment and how far it is from your reach. Think of the mood I created and how it affects you. Try and think of how one person can simultaneously be both Joan and Ping. Think of the stand of them and where would you stand between them.

Contact me for an in depth discussion if you want!

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