Sunday, December 26, 2004

A review for the year 2004

A review for the year 2004

If you guys look through my archives, you would notice that at the beginning of this year I made a list of New Year Resolutions. Well, after almost a year, I shall now go through them once again and review how much have I achieved this year.

1. earn money
>>As we can see, before Joan went into uni she only took up two jobs. One a short stint with John Little and the other a 4 day stint with Ritz-Carlton, so she didn't really earn a lot of money. She didn't even bother taking up tuition jobs when it came her way and now she is back to being a full time uni student.
Conclusion: 30% accomplished
Luckily in the year of 2005 Joan need not worry about money problems as she will have to concentrate on her studies and the money problems shall be transferred to her dad. hehe...

2. learn diving
>>Joan really tried. She sign up with NUS dive club but freaked out in the end. Nothing's out of it and it seems like Joan's over this phase of life. Maybe later in life when she really got nothing better to do or have a more compelling reason to pick up diving ba...
Conclusion: 5% accomplished
Joan's now not thinking of learning how to dive liao. Instead, she's thinking of learning how to drive instead, but of course she'll have to first overcome her fears.

3. get good a level results
>>ABB, B3 A level results. Need I say anymore? Okay, the grades aren't really that spectacular to the high flying geeky students but to underachieving Joan who got only a CEE, C6 for her prelims, this is indeed a big achievement to her. The only regret is not getting A for history.
Conclusion: 90% accomplished
Next step, getting good grades in Uni. Do hons. Go for exchange programme. The sky's her limits!

4. get good SAT scores
>>1350. Need I say anymore too? Okay, wth... SATS were ruled of of contention after like two hours after its implementation so even if I did well for it it is of NO use AT ALL.
Conclusion: 50% accomplished
Heck sia... Anyway, Joan's thinking of getting her IQ tested. Really wondering how smart is she exactly, or not, by the way. hehe...

5. find a boyfriend
>>After a year and Joan is still here typing some have or don't have. Said.
Conclusion: 0% accomplished
That shall continue to be her sole mission in life... A long continous search for the perfect soul mate for the little girl. If only it rained men, good men. Or if only the guys she likes has eyes...

6. become prettier
>>So I'm not painting up my face every day, but with face masks and nose masks and toners, Joan is indeed looking more radiant than ever. And with her present weight of 47kg for her 168cm frame, I guess that's pretty decent ba. 32B-25-35. Isn't really that bad, I guess. And my cousin is dying to have my legs, so I guess they must be pretty nice. Yup... And I've changed my parting in my hair which people are saying that that makes me look nicer, so well...
Conclusion: 75% accomplished
But no girl would be satisfied with what they have. So Joan shall continue in her attempt to eliminate all acne from her face and all evidence that they were once plaguing her. Also on the cards is a reform in her dressing. Use clothes to bring out Joan's most beautiful side.

7. finish up everything im doing halfway
>>When I wrote this it was in direct reference to the writings I was doing and have been doing throughout my free time. Sadly to say, my completed works still remain as measely as ever. Gina is say 20% done, Scarlet Flight still 30% more to go, ya, and I'm even starting on something new, Diamond Dog even though I've yet to clear up what are still hanging on a thread. Really sad... But Joan did Separate Lives, so I guess that's a big accomplishment to her ba...
Conclusion: 10% accomplished
Yup... Need I say anymore?! 2005 will be Gina, Scarlet Flight and Diamond Dog.

8. be a more fanatical fan of faye and wubai
>>After initial fevour of giving out their CDs as birthday presents to my friends, I fell into oblivion and missed out on the birthdays od friends borned in the second half of the year. I also didn't buy Wubai's latest CD as promptly as I think I should. But I did go for Faye's autogragh sessions and I did go to watch 2046 as support for Faye Wong, but I don't really think I should receive that much credit.
Conclusion: 50% accomplished
I MUST continue with my mission for the spread of the Wubai and Faye faith in my people in the next year!

9. perm my hair
>>Straight as ever. Untouched by hairdressers. Said.
Conclusion: 0% accomplished
Not thinking of perming my hair now. But really thinking of getting my hair cut into something more stylish. 2005, that will be it.

10. get my ears pierced
>>Yup! I've got the holes as proof, but it sucks man. Never will I go through this torture ever again.
Conclusion: 100% accomplished
I will NEVER do it again. To think that my sis went to get another hole again. I think she's mad.

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