Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Amazing Race 6

Amazing Race 6, Wednesdays 10pm ch5

I'm hooked onto the programme. Even after six series, the show never fails to provide me with fresh and new entertainment each episode. Why? Each country is different. Every country featured in the show is different and even if the countries are the same, the places they visit is very much different. Every pair of contestants is different. Even though most of the pairs are like good-looking couples, everybody in the show have a different personality and the way they handle relationship either with other contestants or with their partner is different.

Who am I supporting in this leg?

I guess most people would be shocked to find out that I actually quite like Victoria and Jonathan. They are the most colourful pair in this race, except for maybe the father-daughter pair, cos they are coloured. haha... racist joke, ignore pls...


Well, I guess that says a lot of things. He's the most interesting person in the game, and probably has a character enough to feed every other contestant since the start of the series. He's the most chauvinist person ever. But sometimes, he does have a point and his point is in fact an effective game plan, just that the way he puts his words across to Victoria is rather harsh. He's not really that bad as I think the editing of the show made him out to be. I mean, he has been married to Victoria for quite some time already, and I suppose that if she really couldn't stand him, or if he's really that bad, she wouldn't have married him or would have already divorced him long ago.

If you scrutinise every single episode, you'd notice, that there seems to be a tinge of tenderness of Jonathan in him, just that I guess most of these scenes didnt enter the final cut. We must understand that it's his this explosive character that hooks people to their tv sets to want to find out when is Victoria going to burst. Okay, to give some examples of Jonathan's tenderness, there was one scene where Jonathan made a wrong judgement, Victoria asked him to apologise. We might guess that Jonathan being the biggest chauvinist with the biggest ego would say some crap and shirk out of apologising, but he didn't. Jonathan readily admitted his mistake and apologised to Victoria.

Well, bearing this in mind, everytime he makes Victoria apologise, I guess that's only normal to want her to apologise when he had did that. Perhaps the only problem with him is the tone of voice he used. He always sounds like he's trying hard to be superior to his wife, but I believe that that's part of the problem with the editing of the final show.

Another incident, was in Africa, Jonathan was so taken in by the little kids that he started out giving sweets to them. Victoria commented that he indeed loved kids. I don't think a guy who loves kids is capable of any violent actions to his wife. This was in stark contrast with another female contestant who when seeing the kids commented that the people here "could not stop breeding".

Well, Jonathan did mention in the start of the show that he might come across to people as hot-tempered, but he is actually, in fact, "passionate". haha... Joan like passionate guys...

But sometimes, Jonathan does take things a little to far. then we can only lament poor Victoria. Like in the words of another female contestant, Victoria is really very "pitiful". Victora comes across to me as a really emotional person, and I think her personality fits with Jonathan very well, so I'm hoping that they can go all out and win the race, then we can say that that's Victoria's reward for sticking by the side of the most obnoxious tv character. She does deserves something out of this race.

To end, I must emphasise another point, that I think Jonathan and Victoria are quite well off. They listed their job as entrepeuneurs and in the opening video, their house seems to be very big and nice along with their own private pool. Before we condemn Jonathan's temper, we must bear in mind that hot-tempered people would have reached that far, especially if it's in business. But I'd think that it's his passion that brought him that far.

In Jonathan's terms "It's passion, passion."

Joan like guys like that. Very colourful and very attractive. Dont think that there are many these sort of people around, is there?

Cant wait for tonight's episode of Amazing Race.

But I dont think I can tahan another episode of Adam's whining. He's like a big baby man... No wonder his girlfriend broke up, and I dont think this game can bring them back together as it only exposes more of his falibilities. He better take a leaf out of Jonathan's book sia...

More on the Amazing Race after the game concludes. Will give you my two-cents worth of remarks... hehe...

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