Monday, November 06, 2006

I Can't

It's so difficult. I feel so drained now. Don't know how much longer can I hold back my tears. I just wish... I don't know, people are always changing, even the friends I thought I could count on are no longer here.

I've cravings for peanut butter, I don't know why. I hate peanut butter. I haven't eaten peanut butter for at least 10 years already. And suddenly I have cravings for them. crap... And because I hate peanut butter, there isn't any at home. sigh...


Anonymous said...

*pat pat* Things will get better, they usually do. I dunno why, but they always do. :) Don't you notice it in your own life too?

Peanut butter is quite nutritious, I think (am not a nutritionist)... but not too much lah... There, your body has its own wisdom regarding what to eat/drink. :) I heard from a cousin of mine that peanut butter on celery tastes good tho' I've never tried it before. Personally, I've tried applying peanut butter on apples. Tastes weird but good in its own way. :p It's supposed to be a good pick-me-up in the mid-afternoon. But honey on apple is heavenly and very very very sweet, so I don't eat it too often... :)

chillycraps said...

no peanut butter at home? you should head down to the nearest bakery and get a peanut butter pancake!

xxoos said...

thanks for your concerns. i still hate peanut butter even though i had my three min cravings for it. i hate peanuts, or any kind of nuts. yea... didn't want to buy anything that i'd throw out after i've enough of it.