The 4th week of school has now reached an end. I've attended every lecture and tutorial at least once, and some even up to four times. I think it's now the right time for me to comment about school now that I've seen everything I need to see for this whole semester.
However, before I can go into my this semester's classes, I need to say that I still have two papers to complete and send over to Germany before I can officially say that my exchange programme, my fourth semester in NUS, I'm a third year student. One of the paper is a short paper, so I needn't have to worry so much about it, but the long paper is sort of scaring me out now, since I'm coupled with the other papers my modules this semester expects of me. Wish me luck with them. I think I'll talk about workhouses or the second industrial revolution in the short paper and about the British Empire in the long paper.
Okay, to start on my this semester of modules proper.
CS1105 Computing and Society
My breadth.
I think the whole notion of breadths sucks, but oh well, since I've to take it, this sounds pretty much an easy thing to cope with, I thought. But it turned out that this is a project heavy module and very CA slanted. Other than the group project and normal attendence and discussion assessments, there's a case study thingie and a blog. yea... I've to blog on this online portal thingie. I'll carry over the blog entries from there over here and weave them inside my blog on a later date, but I'll put up the links for easy access, but I think I'll do that at the end of the semester.
Until now, I don't really have much problems with the lecture, although there's this supplementary lecture that's supposed to help us understand what is the internet which I don't understand, but since it's not graded, it doesn't really matter if I understand or not. One of my personal pet peeve regarding the lecture is that the lecturer is trying to speak English as well as he could. yea... The problem here is that his English isn't that good. Take "gotton" for example, omg... That's like primary school mistake. Okay, I'm the one who had foreign lecturers for most if not all of my previous four semesters, apparently, according to some people in the far side of the School of Computing says that this is already pretty good English.
The thing I don't really understand of SOC is that the people there, people as in Singaporeans there, speak predominantly Chinese. It's really weird to hang around the corridor and hear people speaking in Chinese. I mean, I do speak Chinese sometimes to my close friends in Arts, but usually the atmosphere in Arts is English speaking. And another thing, there are heaps of PRCs and Indians, heaps of them previously not seen in Arts Faculty, for the most obvious reason of language barrier, but since SOC has such a low standard of English, thos folks over there are just infiltrating and taking over the whole SOC. wahaha~
My tutor for Computing and Society is also a PRC, but she's pretty. Oh man... She's really pretty, a cute face with strong facial bone structure, long permed hair, and she's thin. But she doesn't really teach that well, most of the time she loses control of the class because we get too fast with her with our English, and couple with a couple of Arts students in the class, during arguments, I think she just can't keep up. This is one thing which I think looks pays a very important factor. If she weren't good looking, people would despise her, but since she's good looking, people tend to be softer on her, not just her, but people in general usually favour the good looking people unless the good looking people are proud and invite jealousy, but that's a different story.
My project group for this module is a very interesting group. Since I joined this module alone, I decided to just ask the people sitting closest to me during the tutorial if they wanted to do project with me. It turned out to be some sort of a mistake because we later realised that the three of us were, one thing, all girls, another all bad with computers, and most importantly all arts students. hehehe~ This is my personal stereotyping of arts girls, we're all pretty bad with computers and technology and very cannot make it. Luckily for us, the two guys behind us needed to split into different groups and very luckily, we've got the computing major guy. wahaha~ cool right? I think the project will go well.
I think I'll blog in that portal thingie tonight after I've completed with this entry, rested enough, and done some work for my two papers for my German lecturer.
GEK2005 Introduction to Urban Planning
This is a Building and Real Estate module, but considered as an Arts GEM, but since it's outside faculty, can SU it. I don't know if it was a mistake to take it, but until now it seems like a module that's easy to cope with. There's a short essay and a group project and some what nots but the lectures are easy to understand, sort of like secondary school human geography like that. The tutorials aren't that bad either since it's a big class and a lot of people talk and I can just weave my way in the class. And since I will SU it, I don't really need to put in that much effort. I mean I'd be damn pissed if I SUed something which I could have got like anything more than a B+, so my target is to score as low a pass mark as possible. hahaha~
The lecturer for this module is a PRC. I think he looks like a construction worker, maybe not a construction worker, but maybe the overseer for construction project, whatever you call those people, those wear white hats ones. I think it's the clothes he wear and his rugged looks. I don't know how most BRE or Archi or SDE people look like, but I don't really think it's that bad a comment to say that they look like they work in a construction site since after all they will be working at construction sites, but definitely not as construction workers, that why we still need our Banglas.
There's one thing I need to complain about though, the classrooms we use for tutorials for this module is in a horrible godforsaken room. The room has not windows, only four walls and two door, so the air as you can imagine, is very very bad. Then the worst thing is that the air conditioning is very strong and every tutorial sees us being frozen by the air conditioning. So this is how the school is wasting our money, on needless temperatures of the air conditioning. Really, I can imagine just how much the school can save if they turn up the air conditioning by just one mere degree celsius lor. kauz...
HY2217 War and Society
A UE. But I did it not because I need UEs, I did it only because it's a Farrell module. lol~ nah... All along I knew this was one module I wanted to do.
Like all Farrell modules, there will be two write ups and one group project on top of the usual forum discussions and stuff. I've thought of a great topic I could do for my research topic, but I need the green light from the master first before I can start on it, but with last night's draw with Boro, not so sure if the master's in a good mood to grant green lights. lol~ I think Farrell's the only person who can periodically diss Chelsea and support Arsenal and still receive my continued praises. Most other people would have a red handprint on their faces already. wahaha~
I don't really know what to say about this module other than it's a very typical Farrell module, so if you've taken Farrell before, you'd understand what I'm talking about, but if you've not, then you should try doing one next semester. But of course, do not attempt to do a Farrell module when you are in your first year first semester. I don't understand how can freshies do Farrell's module and not get traumatised by him. lol~
The other day, Prof Farrell had this inspection, and I guess the only person bigger than Prof Farrell (who's the deputy head of department) was the head of department, Prof Ian Gordon. I think it's the inspection period because Frau Niemann also had an inspection, it was conducted by Prof Turner, my European Studies conveynor. Prof Turner is British, but he speaks German because he was there for a couple of year teaching. The funny thing was that after the inspection, Frau Niemann was talking about the dividing of the African states and that their borders all look so straight and distinct, she was like, "If you see a border which is straight in Africa, you'd know that somehow the British were involved with it." When we pointed to the empty seat where Prof Turner previous was, she was like "He's gone already." She's so cute.
And speaking of Farrell and Turner, I was talking to Siwei about the modules I was taking, while talking about Prof Farrell, he asked if he was Will Farrell. erm... "You watching to many movies already ah?" I asked. Well, at least he didn't ask if he was Colin Farrell. Then when mentioned that Prof Turner was sitting in today's class, he asked if he was Will Turner. OMG... I was like, "Siwei, You're watching like too many films already lor." hmm... I didn't realise that they shared the same family name until Siwei mentioned it. lol~ And by the way, the actor Will Ferrell is spelt like this (I think).
I think I've once again successfully went so off course that I don't know where I am now. Okay...
TS2238 Singapore Film: Performance of Identity
Another UE which I was cheated of taking. Those people said we could do together, so that we could do project together, later pang seh me because my timetable didn't allow us to do the same tutorial. sucks... Feel so damn cheated of this.
I usually don't take modules with me, but I thought this would be an exception. Really, if I knew that I'd end up being alone for this module, I'd have probably done it next semester or something with some other people or not do it at all since I heard that it's a module difficult to score and I don't need that to harm my cap. The worst thing that not only am I stranded to do the project myself, all those people are starting to skip lectures leaving me not only stranded in tutorials but lectures too. I think it's best if I had just planned my own timetable right from the beginning.
Granted, Singapore Film is a very interesting module that makes me reflect on my writings. The whole notion of giving films the tag "Singapore" and with regard to the idea of "Singaporean" is not just in films but can also be put to other aspects, like my writings for one. Also, if I can put my writings to film, what would I tag them as, Singapore? Singaporean? hmm... Okay, in a sense, my writings are definitely not Singaporean since I'm not very good with Singaporean issues since they don't bother me. Rise in prices is prevalent in every society not just Singapore, rise in COE prices don't affect me, in fact COE prices are dropping because ERP is rising, and ERP doesn't affect me. My writings is about people unhappy with their relationships, not about socio-economic issues. My writings is about love and relationships which can take place not just in Singapore, but anywhere else in the world. But what makes it a piece of Singapore writing? I'd say me. bah~ I wrote it, so I've all the right to call it whatever I want. I can remove the setting to some lonely street in Taipei and I shall still call it a piece of Singapore writing. My protagonist can me an American and I can still call it a piece of Singapore writing.
Actually, I do have a story about an American, but only the plot and outline and a poem relating to the story. I forgot all about this piece of writing after leaving it in the back of a dusty cupboard until during on lecture when we started the whole notion of foreigners and stuff, then I went, hey, I've written something like that before what. It's titled "Gina", it's about the story of a young American professional coming to Singapore (Or anywhere in the Far East, Singapore is convenient because I didn't want my protagonist to have any communication barriers, and it seemed like Singapore was the only place he could fit in. Malaysia is possible too, but because of the second protagonist have to be a migrant worker, hence the second protagonist has to be Malaysian and hence the story has to take place in Singapore.), it's still a Singapore writing because I wrote it. Oh well...
It's really great to talk about such stuff so I know about myself better. Tutorials until now is not that bad, just that the bulk of the class are quite stereotypical students doing TS. The way they talk and dress, is so different from the usual bunch of Farrell groupies. For one, most of Farrell's groupies are guys. lol~ Anyway, my project group is well, I hope I'll do well with them, but the fact that none of them is TS major, might well be a tad disappointing. Really, no thanks to the people who all pang seh me. yea... I guess I'm bitter, but can you blame me?
Oh, and another thing, Dr Edna Lim is very pretty and very small. I think she's about half my size, I feel so giant and so fat beside her. lol~ But her Singapore accent is quite strong. I think she can speak well, but that she's doing Singapore Film, the accent comes in quite useful. the difference about her and the other Singaporean lecturer I have is that unlike him, she isn't trying to conceal her accent, and it turns out easier to understand and comprehend and very much more natural. And she doesn't make the elementary mistakes the other lecturer made. lol~
LAG4201 German 5
I'm putting as my major module.
People don't understand me when I say that I can use these European Language modules as my major modules to fulfill my major requirements. But it's fine with me as long as I know that I can graduate. Actually I hadn't wanted to do this but I didn't have other choices of EU modules, so I ended up doing it. It's great to see all the same faces and a couple of new faces~
It's also great that German 5 doesn't seem that difficult or taxing as compared to German for Academic Purposes. Perhaps it's because that I've just came back from Germany too, so I'm more confident in my speech although my grammar still sucks. I hope I can really improve my German, continue speaking German and one day make full use of my this ability.
Actually there's nothing to talk about already, after so many modules of German, what else new can i think about the module and talk about it? hmm...
So I guess that's about the end of my modules this semester. ECAs wise, I think I'll only be doing one ECA since I've my duty slots all slated, though I think confirmation from my secretary for a swap. I think this semester hopefull be a more relaxing one for me.
Oh, and before I leave, I'm very touched that Prof Ian Gordon remembered my name. hehehe~ A friend (a quite mugger student) was saying that it's nothing worth mentioning because all his profs remember his name, but well, my argument is that I'm not a chao mugger, I'm just a mediocre student, so it's quite amazing (to me) that he remembers me. hehehe~